My First Video Poem - Try To Be Done Now With Words - by Carol Sawyer

Try To Be Done Now With Words from Carol Elinor Sawyer on Vimeo.

Don't let the "Sorry" fool you, you can watch "Try To Be Done Now With Words" on the vimeo site and I so hope you do --- we need your input!

Carol Sawyer and I would like to know if you think this video needs music and if it does, what kind of music would you suggest? I imagine music of the natural world -- but what kind?

Thanks for any thoughts or ideas you might have. 


  1. My first cousin Burke Mulvany is an incredible musician. He is an improvisational percussionist who knows up to 25 instruments. We have done a few collaborations together where he plays while I read my poems. He came to mind when I watched your video poem. And I think this particular song by him would work nicely with your poem. I do think having music to it would make it even more impactful.


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