My New Life ... In Radio?

So I'm afraid this beautiful young woman is not me. What the two of us have in common though is a love of the microphone. Who knew?

A couple of years ago when I was hired to curate the Jack Straw Writers Program, one of my tasks was to interview each of the writers for a half hour podcast. After the initial terror wore off, I found that I loved interviewing writers, loved the intimacy of the one on one conversation amplified over radio waves. In a parallel universe I am Terry Gross interviewing artists, philosophers, and authors for NPR.

This week I had the privilege of reading the poem "The Woods" by Michael Bassett for Linebreak. If you don't know Linebreak, you are missing out on one of my favorite poetry "journals" although I use the world loosely here. Linebreak is such a simple and beautiful concept that I don't have a word for it.

Sign-up for Linebreak and once a week you will receive a really superb poem in your in-box. You can read the poem right then and there or you can choose to hear the poem read to you not by the author but rather an impartial poet. Years ago my poem "Letter to M" was published by Linebreak and read by the poet David Shattuck. It seems that a poem by a man will oftentimes be read by a woman and vice versa.

Perhaps I will never make my living reading books on tape or interviewing the brilliant and famous but I do get to fantasize with the help of Linebreak and Jack Straw Writers.
