Masters of Poetry! Even the title has a lovely and slightly ironic ring.
Thank you to Will Slotts Jr. for this lovely review and pairing me with James Baldwin and James Franco --- not to mention the famous Barbara Hamby. I am thrilled! You can read the review in the Third Coast Daily right here. He also has an interesting take on the state of poetry today and where e-books fit. This may be especially interesting in the age of the quick review.
Or if you want just a little taste of what Will says on:
The sale of poetry in all its various formats amounts to millions of dollars every year. Anthologies outsell individual writers; the dead poets beat the living. The majority of sales are to schools and libraries, but many of us buy poetry on a regular basis. Sales continue to rise, with the greatest increase in electronic formats. Some believe that e-books and audio books now make up 10 percent of the total sales each year. (Four of the six volumes I’m reviewing were read in e-book format, for expediency’s sake.) The majority of poetry today is published by small, independent presses. Buying poetry is a great way to support them!
What a lovely way to begin a Monday!
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