When I was just starting to publish my poems in the early 1990s the Poet's Market was my compass, my mentor, my how-to-feel-like-a-real poet drugstore all wrapped up in one. Because of Poets Market I found the Alaska Quarterly Review and the Bellingham Review --- two superb journals that I still publish in today. But is there a need for a physical book of poetry resources in 2013?
Yes! That's my emphatic answer. Each year new articles and poems are included in the edition. New journals appear and disappear. Most of all, the book is friendly, welcoming to all poets, and filled with an array of information that can't easily be found anywhere else.
Sure, there are websites like New Pages and Poets & Writers that offer great information on contests and journals -- but they tend to feature a fraction of what is available here. For example, Robert Brewer's interviews with new (or new-to-me) poets is one of my favorite sections of the book along with poems by a selection of poets (this year, this includes me).
What a pleasure to be featured in a book that helped me get my start as a poet. And after 20 years, it's a gift to find that Poet's Market remains available to all.
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