New Year's Resolution Number 1 - Poets On the Coast Writing Retreat

Please consider joining us for Poets on the Coast
Last year at this time Kelli Russell Agodon and I were just beginning an exploration as concrete dreamers. If we offered women a chance at a new kind of retreat experience, would there be interested takers? What we found out: Yes, yes, and yes. Our first POETS ON THE COAST: A WRITING RETREAT FOR WOMEN took place last September and now we are ready for our second event from September 7th - 9th at the Sylvia Beach Hotel on the Oregon Coast.

What do we do differently? Each poet receives a one-on-one meeting with either Kelli or myself. We conduct the overall retreat with a focus on your needs and then structure the classes based on what you want. Last year we created a magical experience for each participant. This year we expect to do this and more.

Start the year with a gift to yourself. If you register now you will receive our lowest price of $273 for registration as well as a one year subscription to the northwest literary journal Crab Creek Review.

We focus on poets who are new to poetry and poets who are well published. The classes are structured for poets of all levels. Please feel free to read over the FAQ for Poets on the Coast or leave me a message here. I hope you can join us. 
