Never Too Old for Stickers! Thank you Washington State Book Awards

I'm guessing that one is never too old for gold stars and that's why most of the top book prizes give stickers. Although this is not my first book prize, it is my first sticker and I was (am) wildly excited by this. The Washington Book Awards winners, finalists, and friends all came out to Richard Hugo House last Wednesday night for a celebration. Thanks to Francis McCue and a handful of people working behind the scenes, approximately 200 folks gathered in the cabaret to see old friends and meet new ones. When The Alchemist's Kitchen was published, I knew I wanted a sticker for it's cover. After all, the cover is a tad dark and a splash of gold lightens the composition.

Special congratulations to Washington State Book Award Poetry winner, Francis McCue for her incredible book, The Bled. If you want to enter your book for 2012, click here for the info. And special congratulations to Oliver de la Paz, Kelli Russell Agodon and all the other finalists. The list of finalists for all categories is listed on the Seattle Public Library website and right here.


  1. Thank you Kathleen and Jeannine. There really is something magical about stickers. I remember seeing Caldicot "medals" on books as a child. In some way, it stems from that time when I believed the gold and silver stickers really were.

  2. I think it's the light - the shininess of the sticker touches on some unconscious level on our sense of spirit, lift. I'm glad it's now there to remind that inside a slim volume lies the potential for resplendence. Congrats, Susan!

  3. Thank you Larissa. What a great word: resplendence!

  4. I agree, it feels good to be recognized and rewarded for good work. And it looks great on the book. Congratulations, again!

  5. Thank you, Angie! I hope that you are sending out your excellent poems so they can garner some well deserved rewards. Here's to the mystery of wherever we meet up next!


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