Megan Snyder Camp and Kelli Russell Agodon this Tuesday at 7 pm

Seattle Poetry Reading: Megan Snyder-Camp & Kelli Russell Agodon at Ravenna Third Place Books January 11th

If you're around Seattle on Tuesday, January 11th, drop by Ravenna Third Place
books at 7 pm as poets Megan Snyder-Camp and Kelli Russell Agodon will
be reading from their new books.

I know that after I hear a poet read their work aloud, I am more able to
understand their intent and to hear the rhythms of their work when I read
the poems on my own. I first met Megan last year when she attended my
ekphrastic workshop at the Frye Art Museum. I am excited to have the
chance to hear her read. Kelli, I've clearly heard before and so I look
forward to the joy of hearing poems I know well in the voice of the poet.

In this age of youtube and garage band where poets can be seen and
heard on the internet, there is still something magical about a live reading.
I hope to see you there.

She's reading from her incredible book, The Forest of Sure Things
The Forest of Sure Things

Here's the Seattle Weekly's listing of it if you need more info or a map of where Ravenna Third Place books is in Seattle.
