On-Line Literary Salon for The Alchemist over at Blogalicious

Diane Lockward author of the newly released Temptation by Water is hosting a party for me today. The thing is, she lives in New Jersey and I am in Washington State. It's a bit of an issue unless we have all the festivities on-line. Diane will be doing a series of literary salons and I am honored that she chose The Alchemist's Kitchen to be her first. Included is a brief interview, a reading of "At Middle Life: A Romance" complete with Sarajevo in the background. Most importantly, there is food! Diane asked me what I wanted to serve and somehow this was one of the hardest parts of the preparation. You can tell I am a slave to desserts...

An added feature is that I have promised to respond to any comments that "guests" put in the comment box this week. So far there are no questions. Does that mean Diane gave a party for me and no one came? Isn't that every writer's (person's?) fear. Please do drop by, at least to nibble on a madeline.
