Actual Post Number 101 - Naked Self Promotion - One Time Only ...

Please humor me tonight. I am not keene on using this blog for self promotion. Usually I try hard to avoid indulging in the story of me. However, my new book The Alchemist's Kitchen has arrived after four long years. As of tonight, you can order personally signed copies from me via my website. I offer this incase you are like me and buying a signed copy of a book means much more than an unsigned one. The Alchemist's Kitchen is published by White Pine Press and distributed by Consortium which means your local bookshop can also order you a copy and usually receive it in 48 hours. In any case, this is not a hard sell. It's just another option if you want the book signed for your mother / lover / best friend. OK. Now back to our regularly scheduled programming.


  1. Exciting - I've ordered my copy! Thanks for letting us know that it's now available.

  2. Thank you so much!!! You are my first order!


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