Those Winter Sundays - Robert Hayden - Video Fun

Happy Thanksgiving to you who celebrate this strangest of holidays. I am happy to be with good friends, eat amazing food, and take time off from the workaday world. But the holiday makes me uneasy all the same. I went looking for poetry tonight and found this dramatization of "Those Winter Sundays" by Robert Hayden. Something struck me as being just right for this time of year. The whole shebang is just 90 seconds long. It's part of a series done by the Poetry Foundation - a great resource for all things poetry. I'm just learning about the world of video poems. Those of you with more information on this, feel free to comment here ...


  1. Another example of how our culture is becoming more visually and less text-oriented. That's neither good or bad: just a fact. I love this poem, so thanks for posting this. Have a terrific Thanksgiving, whatever you do!

  2. I posted about this very topic a month or so ago and included some links that might interest you. Did you read the article in P&W by Todd Boss?

  3. Hi Diane,
    I think your posts are what started my interest. Have you attempted a video poem yet?

  4. Susan (I'm "asphodel," by the way...)—at AWP in Chicago the Poetry Foundation had video poems running round the clock in the hotel's elevators. It was my first encounter with them. I'm still deciding whether they enhance my experience of poetry or not. —Mari

  5. Hi Asphodel,

    I am with you - still deciding what I think. My sense is that a real video artist could make something wild and wonderful from the right poem (straightforward narrative or highly imagistic) but it might be like comparing a book you loved with the Hollywood version. Both might be lovely - but they have little in common ...


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