Author Photo For Cloud Pharmacy - This Isn't It!

Susan Rich, photo credit Kelli Russell Agodon
What is it about author photos that makes us need to take ourselves so seriously? My friend Kelli Russell Agodon and I spent a wonderful Wednesday taking pictures of each other at the lovely home of my friend Jan. We learned so much about what makes a good photograph (soft light, texture, a willing subject) and so much about ourselves in terms of the author look we want to portray: smart, intense, iconic -- after all, those photographs are going to be around for a long time (we hope). So although this is my favorite photo -- the very last one Kelli took as I literally fell of the chair I was trying to balance on oh-so-nonchalantly -- it's not the one that will be on the back of Cloud Pharmacy.

If an author is lucky, there will be a few readings and an interview or two after the book comes out. Maybe this photograph will come in handy then. Or maybe my next book can be a series of comedic stories called I Fell Off My Chair and I Still Think Life is Funny.

If you want to do a do-it-yourself author photo here are some tips:

Use morning light -- near water is perfect.
An expensive camera that takes photos in high definition is needed
Use iphoto or photobucket to add contrast or fancy edges
Take lots of photographs; I mean keep clicking
Work with a friend you love and who loves you

I think I will write more on this and the other secrets of preparing for a book that no one really tells you about. For my last three books I actually hired a professional photographer -- friends of friends -- to do the picture. And let me just say, I hate having my photograph taken. This time, with a dear friend on the other end of the camera, it was actually fun!
